catalogue acknowledgments



Compiled by Gila Strobel and David Gray

For initiating this project and for their generous support, the compilers are grateful to the Fred Sandback Archive and its Board of Directors: Peter Sandback, President, Diane Kranz, Joan Simon, Diane Villani, and Cynthia Worthen.

For providing access to their extensive collections of Sandback’s graphics as well as photographs and archival documentation, the compilers thank Ingvild Goetz, Katharina Vossenkuhl, and Nina Holm, Sammlung Goetz, Munich; and Amy Baker Sandback, Fred Sandback Estate, New York.

For their exceptional editorial advice, we are indebted to Wendy Weitman and Michelle Piranio.

We are beholden to to the following for providing information and invaluable advice:

Alexandra Barcal, Graphische Sammlung, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich; Andrea Weber, Griffelkunst-Vereinigung Hamburg e.V., Hamburg; Karl Imhof, Munich; Fred Jahn, Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich; Susanne Zolper, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Barbara Krakow, Andrew Witkin, and Skyela Heitz, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston; Dieter Schwarz, Kunstmuseum Winterthur; Markus Michalke, Munich; Fritz Emslander, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen; Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich; Marianne Stockebrand, Marfa; Anne and Wolfgang Titze; Annemarie and Gianfranco Verna, Annemarie Verna Galerie, Zürich; Anna Schmid, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster; Kerstin Skrobanek, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein; and Hubert Winter and Melanie Wagner, Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna.



April 1, 2018