publications 2007
Fred Sandback. Exh. cat. New York: Zwirner & Wirth, 2007. Texts by Pamela M. Lee and Fred Sandback.
Fred Sandback. Exh. cat. Munich: Metropol Kunstraum, 2007. Texts by Markus Michalke and Christiane Meyer-Stoll.
560 Broadway: A New York Drawing Collection at Work, 1991–2006. Amy Eshoo, ed. New York: Fifth Floor Foundation in association with Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2007.
All from America (Part One and Part Two). Freiburg: Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, 2007. Texts by Paul Ege, Julia Galandi-Pascual, Dorothea Leicht, Christiane Meyer-Stoll, and Rolf Hengesbach.
Collection Art Contemporain. La Collection du Centre Pompidou, Musée national d’art moderne. Paris: Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2007. Texts by Bruno Racine, Baudouin Prot, Alfred Pacquement, and Sophie Dupaix.
Dickel, Hans. 100 Meisterwerke zeitgenössischer Druckgraphik und Beispiele der Photographie aus der Sammlung der Stådtischen Galerie Erlangen. Berlin: Reimer, 2007
I Can Only See Things When I Move. Dresden: Kupferstich Kabinett, Residenzschloss, Staatliche Kunstammlungen, 2007. Texts by Wolfgang Holler, Thomas Ketelsen, Rebekka Reuter, and Katharina, Hoins.
Japan and the West: The Filled Void. Markus Brüderlin, ed. Cologne: DuMont Buchverlag, 2007.
Nineteen-forties to Now: Guggenheim Collection. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2007. Texts by Anthony Calneck, Valerie Hillings, et al.
Ongetemda Logica: Hedendaagse Europse en Amerikaanse Abstractie/Logic Unfettered: European and American Abstraction Now.
Amersfoort, Netherlands: Mondriaan Huis, 2007. Text by Juliette Kennedy.
Pensa con i sensi – sensi con la mente.L’arte al presente./Think with the Senses—Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense. Biennale di Venezia. Texts by Davide Croff and Robert Storr. Venice: Biennale di Venezia, 2007.
Schor, Gabriele, ed. Held Together With Water: Kunst aus der Sammlung Verbund/Art from the Verbund Collection. Ostfi ldern: Hatje Cantz, 2007.
Thirty/Forty. Benjamin Buchloh, ed. New York: Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, 2007.
To Be Continued. Stockholm: Magasin 3, Stockholm Konsthall, 2007. Text by David Neuman.
Wall Ceiling Floor: Works by William Anastasi, Donald Judd, and Fred Sandback. Birmingham, Alabama; Birmingham Museum of Art, 2007. Texts by Gail Andrews, Michael Straus,Tiffany Bell, and Thomas McEvilley.
What Is a Line? Drawings from the Collection. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Art Gallery, 2007.
“Acquisitions of the Princeton University Art Museum, 2006.” Record, Princeton University Art Museum 66 (2007), pp. 41–74.
Artner, Alan. “Review: Fred Sandback.” Chicago Tribune, February 2, 2007, sec. 7, p. 23
Bauermeister, Volker. “Ich bade, ich bade nicht!” Badische Zeitung, April 25, 2007.
Boecker, Susanne. “Italienischer Pavillon/ Hauptausstellung.” Kunstforum International, no. 188 (October–November 2007), pp. 66–107.
Breerette, Geneviève. “Dia:Beacon. La Mesure de la démesure.” Connaissance des Arts, no. 655 (December2007), pp. 128–33.
Carrier, David. “Fred Sandback, Robert Irwin.” Art US, no. 17 (March–April 2007), pp. 52–53.
Davila, Thierry “Being In A Place: Les Sculptures Filiformes de Fred Sandback.” 20/27 (Paris), no. 1, 2007, pp. 76–91.
“Exhibition Suggest Less Is More, After An Enigmantic Fashion.” Birmingham News (Alabama), February 18, 2007.
Foumberg, Jason. “Fred Sandback.” New City (Chicago), February 1, 2007.
“Fred Sandback.” Time Out New York, January 4–10, 2007, p. 90.
“Fred Sandback.” Regioartline (Freiburg), no. 1, 2007. Fronz, Hans-Dieter. “All from America.” Kunstforum International, no. 188 (October–November 2007), pp. 444–47.
Heighton, Luke. “Held Together with Water: Art from the Sammlung Verbund.” Art Review, no. 14 (September 2007), p. 137.
Kimmelman, Michael. “That Unruly, Serendipitous Show in Venice.” New York Times, June 15, 2007, pp. E29, E34.
Levy, Bernard. “La 52e Biennale de Venise.” Vie des Arts, no. 208 (Winter 2007), pp. 49–52.
MacAdam, Alfred. “Fred Sandback: Zwirner & Wirth and David Zwirner.” Art News 106, no. 3 (March 2007),p. 139.
Mendelsohn, Adam. “Fred Sandback: David Zwirner,Zwirner & Wirth.” Art Monthly, no. 303 (February 2007),p. 32.
Morgan, Jessica. “Venice: Categorical Impertive.” Artforum 46, no. 1 (September 2007), pp. 391–97.
Nocera, Joe. “The Patron Gets a Divorce.” New York Times Magazine, October 14, 2007, pp. 66–74, 104–105.
Poellinger, Clemens. “Weilartad Insats.” Svenska Dagbladet, Sepetmber 9, 2007, pp. Kultur sec. pp. 12–17.
Pozzi, Lucio. “Diversifi carsi è Bene.” Giornale dell’Arte 25, no. 267 (July–August 2007), p. 28.
Raskin, David. “Sandback’s Vibration.” Apollo (March 2007), pp. 72–77.
Raymond, David. “Fred Sandback.” Art New England 28, no. 6 (October–November 2007), p. 39.
“Regard 02: Minimalismes.” Espace de l’Art Concret, (Mouans-Sartoux, France), 2007, pp. 9–10.
Smith, Roberta. “A Point in Space Is a Place for an Argument, David Zwirner.” New York Times, July 20, 2007, p. E29.
“Wall Ceiling Floor: Works by William Anastasi, Donald Judd, and Fred Sandback.” Birmingham Museum of Art, winter/spring, pp. 6–7.
Weinberg, Lauren. “Fred Sandback.” Time Out Chicago, February 8–14, 2007, p. 69.